The tournament is open to a maximum 240 players. Players will be assigned to individual tournaments based on their rating published on 1.7.2019.
Players rated between 1900 and 2000 can choose to play in tournament A or B. Players rated between 1600 and 1700 can choose to play in tournament B or C. The choice must be made at the time of entering and can not be varied at a later time, unless the arbiters decide differently based on the new rating list.
A tournament (Elite) - Elo 1900-2900
B tournament (Challenge) - Elo 1600-2000
C tournament (Rising) - Elo 0-1700
Players are required to prove their playing strentgh in case they are not listed in the FIDE rating list.
There will be 6 rounds of play, and pairings will be made in accordance with the Swiss system (Dutch variation).
Rate of play
90’ + increment 30” from move one.
Dresden rule
Players will only be forfeited after 60 minutes from the start of the round.
Confirming your entry
You are required to confirm your entry on 11 July (and only on July 11). The best way to do so is via email. All you need to do is send an email titled 'ENTRY CONFIRMATION', speficifying the names of the confirmed players in the body of the message. You can also confirm your entry at the playing hall on 12 July before 8:25 AM. No exceptions shall be made and if you should not confirm your entry by 8.25 on July 12 you shall only be paired for the second round.
Entering the tournament implies the authorization to process your personal data associated with the tournament pursuant to Italian Law Decree D.L. 196/2003.
Any and all modifications shall me made public via this website.